
All content on all parts of this website is the sole property and copyright of Barren Records. All music we put out is (c) & (p) Barren Records, with a few exceptions. In any case, the rights of the copyright holder are all reseved, but see our about page for more information about how we choose to exercise copyrights. Barren Records and the Barren Records logo are trademarks. Additionally, the names of the bands may be trademarked. For more copyright, trademark, and other such information, please contact us.

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Store/comment privacy notice: Clearly, if you submit information to the store or to the "contact us" form, I will have access to it. No information you submit will ever be used in any way besides what you explicitly allow. If you order something and give me your address, I'll mail it to you. If you email me and give me your return email address, I will email you back. That's all. Information is stored securely and never given to any third party.